
useLess useCallback

I found this useCallback in the one of the components at work. This is actually not needed.

const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
}, [clicked]);

With useCallback the function you pass it is memo-ized until one of the variables in its dependency array changes, and then the function is re-memo-ized with the new value for that variable. In this example nothing in the function relies on that clicked variable so we can rely on the function being pure instead of React’s useCallbackSo this will be more efficient:

const handleClick = () => {

useCallback would make sense to use if there was a usage of the variable in that function, like this for example

const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
  if (anotherVar) doSomething();
}, [anotherVar]);

we need the current value of anotherVar so the function cant be memoised otherwise it will always use the initial value.

Last thing, if you need a guarantee that the clicked variable is current you can pass a function into the state setter.

const handleClick = () => {
    setClicked(clicked => !clicked);