
ABC's of Javascript - Apply, Bind & Call

Here’s a super quick reference of how each of the confusing initially confusing JS function apply , bind & call

let x = { 
  n: 1, 
  log: function(arg1, arg2) { 
    console.log(this.n, arg1, arg2) 

let log = x.log
log('in this case', 'this refers to global this')

x.log.apply({ n: 2 }, ['in this case', 'this refers to first apply arg'])

let bound = x.log.bind({ n: 3 })
bound('in this case', 'this refers to prebound object')

x.log.call({ n: 4 }, 'in this case', 'same as apply, but with args in list not array')

Really apply and call are the same just with different ways of passing the function’s actual arguments.

let args = [1,2]
let fn = { 
  log: function(a1, a2) { 
    return this.n + a1 + a2 

let a = fn.apply({ n: 1 }, args)
let c = fn.call({ n: 1 }, ...args)
console.log(a === c)